IDSc Annual Conference 2024 Delegate Registration - Non-Members

IDSc Annual Conference 2024 - Delegate Registration for Non-Members

This conference is an opportunity for all healthcare staff involved in decontamination science and their industry colleagues to meet and exchange ideas and best practice.

The programme will cover a range of interesting subjects which are suitable for Decontamination Leads, Decontamination department personnel including production, quality and department managers, Infection Control leads, Microbiologists, Endoscopy leads and nurses, AE (D)S, AP(D)s.

In addition to the plenary sessions there will be the opportunity to visit the exhibition area where there is a chance to meet and engage with our industry colleagues, where they will be demonstrating their new innovations and products.

Registration for IDSc Annual Conference 2024 Delegate Registration - Non-Members

Delegate Information

First Name*
Family Name*
Name to be written on name tag*
Name of Organisation/Company*
Position in Company*
EMail Address*
Confirm EMail*
Address 1*
Address 2
Membership Status
Special Needs

(i.e. wheelchair access, disability, etc.)
Dietary Requirements*
GDPR Statement: Trade Exhibitors can send me relevant information that may be of interest to me. My details shall not be passed on to third parties. Please support our corporate members by selecting "Yes".

Trade representatives please select "No" as this is not applicable to you.

Allow Contact*


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